IRG4BC20UD IGBT Transistor is a high-performance switching device, ideal for applications requiring fast and efficient power control. With a collector-emitter voltage (Vces) of 600V and a Vce(on) of 1.85V at Vge=15V, Ic=6.5A, this transistor is designed for use in high-frequency switching circuits. Its Generation 4 IGBT design offers superior efficiency and tighter parameter distribution compared to older Generation 3 devices. The HEXFRED ultrafast, ultra-soft-recovery diodes co-packaged with the IGBT are optimized for use in bridge configurations, reducing snubbing requirements and ensuring smoother operation.
Optimized for frequencies between 8-40 kHz in hard switching and greater than 200 kHz in resonant mode, the IRG4BC20UD provides exceptional performance, making it the ideal choice for power supplies, motor drives, and other industrial applications. Packaged in the industry-standard TO-220AB format, it ensures ease of integration into various designs. The IRG4BC20UD is designed to be a "drop-in" replacement for equivalent Generation 3 IR IGBTs, offering a seamless upgrade path for existing systems.
This IGBT transistor is available in Pakistan, including cities like Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, and Peshawar.
The datasheet is attached for detailed technical specifications. For bulk quantity orders, contact us