IRGP4063DPBF IGBT Transistor is a high-performance power transistor that utilizes low VCE(on) trench IGBT technology to deliver outstanding efficiency and reliability in a variety of demanding applications. Featuring a low switching loss and a maximum junction temperature of 175Β°C, this transistor is ideal for general-purpose inverters, high-efficiency converters, and industrial applications that require high reliability and low power losses.
With its ultra-fast soft recovery Co-Pack diode, the IRGP4063DPBF offers excellent transient performance, reduced EMI, and ensures high efficiency across a wide range of switching frequencies. Its rugged design supports a 5 Β΅s short circuit SOA and a square RBSOA, making it capable of handling demanding environments. The device also supports excellent current sharing when operating in parallel, ensuring enhanced reliability.
Built with a lead-free package and tested for 4x rated current, this IGBT guarantees excellent performance with tight parameter distribution. Available across Pakistan, including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, and Peshawar, the IRGP4063DPBF is the perfect choice for engineers seeking a durable, efficient solution for their power switching needs.
The datasheet is attached for detailed technical specifications.
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