IRG4BC30UD IGBT Transistor is a high-performance component designed for efficient power switching. With a 600V collector-emitter voltage (Vces) and a low Vce(on) of 1.95V at 15V gate-emitter voltage, this transistor is perfect for high-frequency applications such as power supplies and motor drives. It features an ultra-fast co-packaged IGBT with HEXFRED ultrafast diodes, which are optimized for high operating frequencies between 8-40 kHz in hard switching and over 200 kHz in resonant mode.
Built using Generation 4 IGBT technology, the IRG4BC30UD offers enhanced efficiency and tighter parameter distribution compared to previous generations. The combination of the IGBT and HEXFRED diodes ensures better performance with minimal recovery characteristics, allowing for faster switching and reducing the need for snubbing. This makes it an ideal choice for high-speed power switching in industrial applications. Encased in a TO-220AB package, the IRG4BC30UD offers excellent thermal dissipation for enhanced reliability.
The IRG4BC30UD is available across Pakistan, including cities like Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, and Peshawar. For more detailed technical specifications, the datasheet is attached. Contact us for bulk orders.